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Monday, April 18, 2022

Egyptian Nationality and Dual Nationalities


In the last few years, many Arabs are seeking to earn Egyptian nationality; especially after the Cabinet of Ministers’ decision to grant Egyptian nationality under few requirements which includes real estate investment. This, therefore, allowed businessmen to not only invest in Egypt but also earn Egyptian nationality.


This decision allowed many Arab citizens from countries such as Syria, Iraq,Yemen, and Libya to apply for the nationality, enjoy the full rights of an Egyptian citizen, dealing with official institutions and governmental channels personally, and further facilitations in paperwork related to family or business.


##The Latest Amendments in Egyptian Nationality Law


The Egyptian House of Representatives approved a couple of amendments on the law on granting Egyptian nationality in a way that investors can earn it through few application procedures and few conditions to be fulfilled.


According to these amendments, investors can obtain Egyptian nationality in case of purchasing, investing in any real estate project, or opening a trust fund in the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE).

##5 Ways to  Earn Egyptian Nationality 


According to the latest amendments in the list of requirements to apply for Egyptian nationality, there are 5 main ways through which this could happen and they include:


  • Depositing a non-refundable $250,000 to Egypt’s national treasury
  • Buying a state-owned real estate property with a value of no less than $500,000
  • Starting a project with a capital of $400,000
  • Depositing $1 million in a 3-year trust fund in CBE
  • Depositing $750,000 in a 5-year trust fund in CBE


##Where Can You Go to Apply for Egyptian Nationality?


According to the National Authority for Investment and Free Zone, the applicants who are interested in applying for Egyptian nationality through investment can go to the unit responsible for processing nationality applications at the National Authority for Investment and Free Zone in the Sefarat neighborhood.


A representative is immediately tasked to process their interest by going through all the required documents needed to apply prior to giving them the official application form of Egyptian nationality.


##What Are the Required Documents for the Application?


The unit responsible for processing applications stated that applicants are required to prepare approximately 18 documents in order to fulfill the requirements of earning Egyptian nationality through investment. These documents are:


  • The original of the application form
  • A copy of the bank statement that verifies the transfer of $10,000 from abroad as application fees to the Central Bank of Egypt
  • A copy of the applicant’s passport of the country of origin
  • A copy of the applicant’s passport of any other nationalities they currently have
  • 3 original, recent personal pictures
  • A statement of declaration from the applicant of all nationalities they currently have
  • A copy of the spouse’s passport of the country of origin
  • A copy of the spouse’s passport of any other nationalities they currently have
  • A copy of the marriage certificate 
  • A copy of the children’s passports, birth certificates, or national IDs
  • The original paper of the applicant’s criminal status record that should be verified form Egyptian authorities
  • The original paper of the applicant’s list of movements from their country of origin
  • The original paper of the applicant’s list of movements from their country of residence (no less than 5 years of residence from the date of application)
  • An original statement from their country of origin that confirms that the applicant did not face any criminal sentence nor are they facing any penalties in honour crimes, and it should be verified from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)
  • In case the applicant owns shares of any companies, they must provide a copy of the company’s commercial record and a copy of the company’s taxation card. In addition to a copy of ownership contracts in case they own any real estate properties and a copy of the driving license of any vehicle they possess
  • The original certificate of the medical checkup
  • The original paper that states and confirms the fulfillment of the Investment Programme


##Dual Nationalism in Egyptian Law


Egyptian law allows people to have more than one nationality or what is known as “dual nationalities”. However, citizens who want to apply for other nationalities must notify Egyptian authorities before starting the application process while keeping their first nationality.


##Real Estate Investment for Foreigners in Egypt


One of the forms of real estate investment in Egypt to earn Egyptian nationality is buying any state-owned real estate property with no less than $500,000.


However, foreigners can also start building their new life in Egypt and earn the nationality by starting a project with a $400,000 capital. Among the main areas in which foreigners can invest in are New Alamein City, Shorouk City, the New Administrative Capital, and other new cities.


Start searching for properties on Aqarmap 

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from Aqarmap Blog https://ift.tt/tBcU1oH

Obtaining Egyptian Citizenship for Iraqis


    Some countries allow foreigners to obtain citizenship according to some specific criteria. The Egyptian government has issued several decisions regarding granting citizenship to foreigners after fulfilling some conditions. No doubt that this citizenship is beneficial for foreigners and is also beneficial in increasing investments in Egypt. Therefore, the demand for the naturalization of Iraqis in Egypt has considerably increased.

To facilitate obtaining citizenship, an office was established to receive those wishing to obtain Egyptian citizenship. This office is affiliated with the Council of Ministers and is located in the main administrative building of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (3 Salah Salem Street – Fairgrounds – Cairo) for ease of communication and submission of applications.

How to Obtain the Egyptian Citizenship

There are some specific cases in which it is possible to obtain Egyptian citizenship, as follows:

  • To purchase real estate from the state with a minimum of 500 thousand dollars. Real estate is land, a building, an apartment or factory land owned by the state or other public legal persons. The amount of the real estate shall be not less than 500 thousand US dollars to be transferred from abroad. The payment shall be transferred per the applicable rules of the Central Bank. If the buyer of the real estate wants to sell it before the lapse of five years from the date of obtaining it, he is required, in order to retain the Egyptian nationality, to deposit an amount of 250 thousand US dollars in the Central Bank. This amount shall be paid through a bank transfer from abroad, as direct revenues to the state’s public treasury, and it is not refunded.
  • To establish an investment project with a minimum of $400,000: Establishing or participating in an investment project with an amount of at least $400,000 transferred from abroad, with a participation rate of no less than 40% of the project’s capital. In the event of the investment project being liquidated, suspended or disposed of before the lapse of five years from the date of its operation, then in order to retain the Egyptian nationality, a deposit of 250 thousand US dollars in the Central Bank. This amount shall be paid through a bank transfer from abroad, as direct revenues to the state’s public treasury, and it is not refunded.
  • To deposit an amount of $250,000 under a bank transfer from abroad as direct income (grant) that goes to the state’s public treasury, and is not refunded.
  • To deposit a cash deposit of one million dollars for a period of three years under a bank transfer from abroad in the consolidated treasury account at the Central Bank. This deposit can be redeemed after the lapse of three years in Egyptian pounds at the exchange rate announced by the Central Bank on the date of redemption, and not exceeding the price on the deposit date without interests.
  • To deposit a cash deposit of $750,000 for a period of 5 years under a bank transfer from abroad in the central bank’s unified treasury account. This deposit can be redeemed after five years in Egyptian pounds at the exchange rate announced by the Central Bank on the date of redemption, and not exceeding the price on the date of deposit and without interests.

Non-investment Cases to Obtain Egyptian Citizenship

  • Residency in Egypt for at least 10 years, provided that this residency shall be permanent with the intention of continuing life in Egypt. During the ten-year period, the citizenship applicant has the right to travel for treatment, tourism, or work outside Egypt. The period of travel will be calculated from the time of the residency period.
  • A woman married to an Egyptian: Egyptian law grants a non-Egyptian wife married to an Egyptian the right to obtain Egyptian nationality while retaining her original nationality. This wife can obtain Egyptian citizenship after submitting an application stating her desire to obtain the citizenship, the husband’s approval of her desire and the submission of the required documents with verification that the marital relationship between them continues for a period of two years. When the foreign wife obtains the Egyptian nationality, she does not lose it if her marriage to the Egyptian ends unless she regains her foreign nationality or marries a foreigner and obtains his nationality.
  • Children of an Egyptian mother: Nationality is granted to children of an Egyptian mother, regardless of the father’s nationality.

Buying a Property in Egypt to Obtain Citizenship

This method is one of the common ways to obtain Egyptian citizenship. One of its most important features is that it can be as an investment and not only for housing and the returns on investment benefit the naturalized man. This investment also helps to revitalize the national economy, and it is better to buy land, a building, an apartment or factory land, provided that it be owned by the state or other public legal persons and for an amount of not less than 500 thousand US dollars.

 Investing in the Purchased Real Estate

The citizenship applicant can benefit from the purchased real estate and can rent it to a company, shop or clinic. But if he does not want that, he can sell it or make good use of it personally.

Steps for an Iraqi to Obtain Egyptian Citizenship and the Required Papers

The first steps to obtaining citizenship begin after fulfilling any of the conditions by submitting the application to the headquarters of the administration with the completion of the required documents, which are:

  • The original application for obtaining Egyptian citizenship and additional information.
  • The original birth certificate of the naturalization applicant or an official extract thereof.
  • 4 original recent personal photos of the naturalization applicant.
  • The original criminal status sheet from the Egyptian authorities.
  • The original official certificate of the movements of the naturalization applicant issued by his country of origin.
  • An original official certificate of the movements of the naturalization applicant issued by the country of permanent residence for a period of five years prior to the date of the application.
  • ​The original official certificate of the result of signing the medical examination for the naturalization applicant (to be submitted during the residency period).
  • The original official certificate issued by the applicant’s home country proving that he has never been convicted of a felony or a freedom-restricting penalty for a crime against honor, certified by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • The original investment program fulfillment document (to be submitted during the residency period).​
  • Copies of his ownership contracts for any real estate inside Egypt and copies of car licenses that he personally owns. In the event that the investor owns shares in any of the companies, please attach a copy of the commercial register or the companies’ newspaper and a copy of the company’s tax card.
  • A copy of a document of transfer from abroad for the administrative fees (10 thousand US dollars or what is equivalent) to the Central Bank of Egypt at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers at the Nationality Application Examination Unit.
  • A copy of the passport of the original nationality of the naturalization applicant and a copy of the passport or passports of another nationality for the naturalization applicant (repeated according to the number) ​with an acknowledgement from the naturalization applicant of other nationalities that he holds.
  • A passport copy of the wife’s original nationality and a copy of the wife’s passport(s) of another nationality (repeated according to the number).
  • A marriage contract copy.
  • ​A passport copy (or birth certificate or identity card) for minor children (repeated according to the number).

The Compound Guide is the Best Way to Buy a Real estate

To help you choose the right type of real estate, search in the compound directory (commercial, medical and administrative compounds and malls) on Aqarmap to choose what suits you best from offices, apartments, villas, offices and shops in the most prestigious places in Egypt (the Administrative Capital, Fifth Settlement, Sheikh Zayed and October).


Start searching for properties on Aqarmap 


The post Obtaining Egyptian Citizenship for Iraqis appeared first on Aqarmap Blog.

from Aqarmap Blog https://ift.tt/hH5FIlM

Obtaining the Egyptian Nationality for Saudi Citizens


How can real estate investment earn you Egyptian nationality? How can Egyptian nationality facilitate the challenges that face foreign investors? With the scale of Saudi investments in Egypt, granting Saudi investors the Egyptian nationality gives them more privileges which makes room for more investments in different fields.


Earning the Egyptian Nationality


Earning the Egyptian nationality might be one of the goals of many Arab citizens since Egypt enjoys economic and political stability and is on the rise of economic growth. Its strategic geographical location enables it to get through any potential economic crisis. 


According to the latest indications, Egypt has scored a 9.8% increase in its overall economic performance in the first quarter in 2021/22, which is considered the highest score it has achieved for 20 years.


Law No.26/1975 states the requirements and conditions which foreigners can earn Egyptian nationality through, and it includes:


  • The child is born to an Egyptian mother and/or to a father whose nationality is unidentified or in case the mother could not legally prove the father’s parenthood to the child
  • Children with unidentified parents
  • If a person has Egyptian roots and can prove it, they can apply for Egyptian nationality after a 5-year residency in Egypt
  • The husband or the wife can grant Egyptian nationality to their spouses after 2 years of ending their marriage
  • One can also earn Egyptian nationality if they stayed for 10 consecutive years in Egypt 
  • Foreigners can also earn Egyptian nationality based on the recent amendment of “Foreigners with Trust Residency”; which grants foreigners Egyptian nationality when they open a trust worth EGP 7 million or its equivalent of foreign currency and after a 5-year residency.


Egyptian Nationalities for Saudis in 2021


According to the latest decision made by the ministries’ cabinet on granting Egyptian nationality to foreigners in March 2020 to boost investments, Saudis are allowed to earn nationality in case they:


  • Deposited a non-refundable $250,000 to the Central Bank of Egypt
  • Depositing $1 million as a trust in the Central Bank of Egypt (transferred from abroad) and it is refundable after 3 years in Egyptian pounds and without interest
  • Investing in a project with a $400,000 capital or partnering in a project with 40% share. In case of the project has ended before 5 years of its start, the investor has to deposit a non-refundable $250,000 to the Central Bank of Egypt 
  • Buying a state-owned real estate property which could be a land, a factory, an apartment, or a building; worth no less than $500,000 transferred from abroad. In case the property is sold before 5 years of the date of contract, the foreigner’s nationality application is in danger and they are required to transfer a non-refundable $250,000 to the Central Bank of Egypt
  • Depositing $750,000 as a trust in the Central Bank of Egypt and it can be refunded after 5 years in Egyptian pound with no interest


Required Documents and Paper for Applying for Egyptian Nationality


The process of applying for Egyptian nationality also includes submitting required documents and papers through personally or by mail to: 


Reception Office for Foreigners Seeking Egyptian Citizenship, Naturalization Applications Examination Unit, General Authority for Investment and Free Zones Building – First Floor, 3 Salah Salem Street – Nasr City – 11562 Cairo



    • An original copy of your application to the Egyptian nationality
    • A copy of the receipt of transferring the administrative fees of applying for the nationality, which is $10,000 transferred to the Central Bank of Egypt that is then sent to the Ministries’ Cabinet and a unit that is specialized in processing the applications
    • A copy of the applicant’s passport of their original nationality
    • A declaration from the applicant of any other nationalities that they currently have
    • A copy of each passport of each nationality in case the applicant has more than one other nationality (For example: an American applicant who also carries the French nationality has to submit a copy of their American and French passport to apply for the Egyptian nationality)
    • Official birth certificate 
    • 4 new personal pictures of the applicant
    • An official record from the Ministry of Interior to state their criminal record
    • An official document from the country of origin that proves that there the applicant is not convicted by any criminal penalty, any freedom-restricting penalty, and/or any crime of honor; and the certificate has to be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Original copy of the certificate that states all the movements of the applicant from the country of origin
    • Official certificate that states all the movements of the applicants from the country of residence (where they have lived in permanently and/or have at least spent 5 years in prior to the date of application)
    • The original official certificate of the medical checkup that is signed by the applicant during his time of residency
  • In case of investment and/or ownership of properties: the applicant has to submit a copy of the commercial registration and a copy of the taxation ID; in case the applicant owns a company, stocks in a company, a copy of any contract of property ownership in Egypt, and a copy of the driving license of any vehicles the applicant owns in Egypt
  • The original document that proves the fulfillment of the investment track chosen by the applicant and it is to be submitted during the time of residency


Real Estate Investment


The Egyptian constitution stipulates in Law No. 27/2017 that there are 5 different tracks with their own conditions for anyone to pursue in order to obtain Egyptian nationality in exchange for investment. 


There are number of reasons why investing is the best way to obtain Egyptian nationality, some of them include:


  • As previously mentioned, you can deposit certai amount of money that can be refundable with no interest
  • The Egyptian real estate market is one of the best real estate markets in the Arab region
  • Egypt has a strategic plan to expand its urban block, which has already started to show in cities such as the 6th of October, Sheikh Zayed, New Cairo, the New Administrative Capital, New Toshka, and New Alamein
  • Real estate investment in Egypt is promising because of the existing developers in the market that have extensive expertise in urban expansion and strategic utilization of space
  • Real estate investment in Egypt also enjoys a wide array of sub-investments that vary between residential, commercial, and medical investments
  • The Egyptian government shows a remarkable support to real estate investors which facilitates many procedures for investors
  • It has low risk and high return rate
  • The continuing increase of Egypt’s population is a big indicator to how this investment is constantly in demand


You can check thousands of real estate projects and compounds on Aqarmap’s Compound Guide and evaluate it based on its location, prices, and finishing of units.


Start searching for properties on Aqarmap

The post Obtaining the Egyptian Nationality for Saudi Citizens appeared first on Aqarmap Blog.

from Aqarmap Blog https://ift.tt/UMEkpYu

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Your Guide to Buy A Property As A Foreigner


In July 2018, Dr. Moustafa Madbouly, Egypt’s Prime Minister, has announced the decision that grants foreigners a temporary non-tourist residency in Egypt which allows them to own properties. This decision came with the aim to facilitate administrative procedures, refresh the real estate sector, and increase the foreign currency in Egypt.


Buying A Property for Foreigners in Egypt


The Egyptian government provides many tracks through which foreigners can buy and own properties in Egypt, which in return can obtain Egyptian nationality in case:


  • A renewable 3-year residency and owning a property that is worth $200,000 or more
  • A renewable 5-year residency and owning a property that is worth $400,000 or more


Earning the Egyptian Nationality By Investing


Foreigners can earn the Egyptian nationality by investing if certain requirements are met such as:


  • Transferring non-refundable $250,000 to the Egyptian national treasury 
  • Depositing $750,000 to the Egyptian national treasury, which is refundable after 5 years without interest
  • Opening a trust in the Central Bank of Egypt with an amount of one million dollars, which is refundable after 3 years without interest
  • Starting a business project with a capital of $400,000
  • Buying a state-owned property with a total cost of $500,000


Countries that Offer Residency for Buying A Property


This practice is not exclusively in Egypt, it is also found in other countries that offer the same practice for foreigners in order to encourage the economy and increase its reserve of foreign currencies. Among the countries that offer the same practice are:


  • Qatar: Qatar grants foreigners a residency in case they owned a property that is worth $200,000 and a permanent residency in case they owned a one-million-worth property with free education and healthcare services
  • Jordan: it allows foreigners to have a 5-year residency in case they owned one or more property that are worth at least JOD 200,000 which is equivalent of $280,000 
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) – Dubai: foreigners can enjoy a renewable 3-year residency in Dubai in case they owned a property that is worth at least AED 750,000  
  • Turkey: It offers residency in case of owning a property that is worth at least $250,000 on the condition of not selling it for 3 years
  • Brazil:It offers permanent residency in case of owning any property, commercial or residential, or even firms with a total amount of $160,000
  • Greece: You can earn a residency in case you owned a property that is worth $300,000
  • Cyprus: You can earn a permanent residency in case you invested in a property that is worth EUR 300,000 which is worth $339,000


Main Requirements to Obtain Your Residency in Egypt


There are some requirements and conditions put by the Egyptian governments before granting residency to foreigners who want to invest in a property in Egypt, which include:


  • Paying the full price of the unit or a $100,000 deposit which is 40% of the total price
  • Having the contract between the buyer (foreigner) and the national seller stamped from the Authority of Tourist Development in Governorates
  • Submitting a statement that testifies that the unit is still under construction and stating the expected delivery date
  • The delivery date does not exceed 4 years from the day of contracting
  • A bank statement that confirms the transferring of the agreed-upon price in US dollars with its worth in Egyptian pounds
  • The General Administration of Passports, Emmigration, and Nationalities then proceeds to determine the duration of the residency based on the amount of money transferred


Important Notes:


  • There has to be a unified model of paper submitted that includes the name, number, nationality, and the address of the property’s owner
  • The General Administration of Passports, Emmigration, and Nationalities has to be notified by this model


Does Egypt Allow Foreigners to Buy or Sell Properties in Egypt?


Yes, by using only their passports according to Law No. 286/1996 on regulating foreign ownerships of Egyptian properties and lands


Best Places for Foreigners to Invest in Egypt


There are many new projects and cities that are viable options for foreign investments in Egypt. Some of them are:


The New Administrative Capital:


The New Administrative Capital is considered as a national mega project that extends over 170,000 acres and is expected to host more than 40,000,000 residents by 2040.


The New Capital is located beside Badr City on the Cairo-Suez road and Cairo-Ain Sokhna road and it includes many prominent compounds that offer luxurious lifestyles such as:


  • Scene 7 Compound: It is located in the Seventh Residential District (R7) in the central axis and plot G2. It extends over 42 acres and only 20% of this area is dedicated for residential units while the rest is exclusively for green areas and water features
  • The City Compound: It is an integrated project of a total area of 54 acres and is located in the Fourth Residential District (R4) and is also close to the Green River and the Al-Massa hotel
  • Janoub Compound: Its area reaches 48 acres and it consists of 20 residential buildings and is developed by the Orientals for Urban Developments (OUD)


New Cairo City


New Cairo is considered as one of the most vital new cities in Egypt since it offers a variety of types of properties and it is located in the east of Cairo on the Cairo-Suez road and Katameya-Ain Sokhna road. Among the compounds it is famous for are:

  • Palm Hills Compound: It is considered as one of the most luxurious projects in New Cairo and is only 5 minutes away from the American University in Cairo (AUC) and it extends over 500 acres
  • La Nuova Vista Compound: It includes 131 standalone villas, twin houses, and penthouses, and extends over 41 acres


New Alamein City


It is considered as one of the most important new mega cities emerging in the Egyptian market and it extends over 49,000 acres. It aims to host 2,000,000 residents and it is located on the western North Coast that overlooks the Mediterranean sea. Among its famous compounds are:

  • Downtown Compound: Its total area reaches 31 acres and it is only 400 meters away from the main road of the North Coast
  • Palm Hills Compound: It extends over 10,000 square meters and it is located behind City Edge’s towers right beside the towers’ artificial lakes

Start searching for properties in New Cities in Aqarmap


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Your Guide to the Requirements to Obtain the Egyptian Nationality and Its Procedure


The Egyptian nationality is considered to be one of the strongest Arab nationality since its rising demand from people abroad, especially Arabs, nowadays. This is due to many reasons including the mega projects Egypt is developing in areas such as the New Administrative Capital, in addition to the political and economic stability Egypt is currently enjoying.

There are other Arab nationalities that many people seek to obtain such as the Emirati, Saudi, Qatari, and Egyptian nationalities. This is because of the economic prosperity each country enjoys and the investment opportunities it offers to its residents and its economy. These investment opportunities are represented in the real estate field, skyscrapers, global towers; which urges people to obtain these nationalities in order to contribute and invest in these megaprojects.

How to Obtain the Egyptian Nationality

The Egyptian constitution stipulates in Law No. 27/2017 that there are 5 different tracks with their own conditions for anyone to pursue in order to obtain Egyptian nationality in exchange for investment. 

First Track: Start Your Own Project by Minimum Budget of $400,000

If you are a foreigner who wants to settle down and invest in Egypt, you have two options. One, you can start your own project with a budget that is no less than $400,000. Two, you can invest in another project and partner with 40% of the project’s capital. In both options, the project has to continue for at least 5 years and in case it stopped; you are required to pay $250,000 to the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) and the money will go to the state’s treasury in order to keep your Egyptian nationality.

Second Track: Buy A State Property of At Least $500,000 Value

The requirements of obtaining Egyptian nationality include buying a state’s property that could be a piece of land, a building, a factory, or anything of that sort that is worth at least $500,000 that are to be transferred from abroad. Similar to the first track, if the property is to be resold, then you are still required to pay non-refundable $250,000 to the Central Bank of Egypt to keep your nationality.

Third Track: A Direct Deposit of $250,000

This is considered one of the easiest requirements of obtaining nationality for whoever does not want to partake in any real estate and/or long-term investments. Whereas, you can transfer through the bank a non-refundable $250,000 to the state’s treasury to obtain your nationality.

Fourth Track: Opening A 3-Year Trust in the Central Bank of Egypt

For whoever chooses this track, are required to pay a one million dollars as a deposit to the Central Bank of Egypt and they can receive their money back without interest after 3 years with the official exchange rate on the received date without exceeding the original number (no more than one million dollars).

Fifth Track: Opening A 5-Year Trust in the Central Bank of Egypt

Similar to the fourth track, any foreigner can open a 5-year trust in the Central Bank of Egypt with the value of $750,000, which they can receive it back after 5 years with the official exchange rate on the received date without exceeding the original number (no more than $750,000)

Official Authorities Responsible for Granting Egyptian Nationalities

In order to facilitate the process for applicants, the state dedicated the Office of Receiving Applications for Egyptian Nationality, which is an office that is a subsidiary of the Ministries’ Cabinet and is located in the administrative building of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones in the Ard El-Ma’ared (Fairgrounds) in Nasr City.

This office has been established to be the only official office that is responsible for receiving and handling applications for Egyptian nationality. It includes specialized units that represent a few Egyptian ministries such as: 

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Ministry of Interior
  • The Ministry of International Cooperation
  • Specialized security authorities

Documents and Papers Needed to Apply for the Egyptian Nationality

After knowing the 5 tracks you can choose from to apply for the Egyptian nationality and where to apply, it is crucial to understand the paperwork and documents needed to complete your application process. These documents are:

    • An original copy of your application to the Egyptian nationality
    • A copy of the receipt of transferring the administrative fees of applying for the nationality, which is $10,000 transferred to the Central Bank of Egypt that is then sent to the Ministries’ Cabinet and a unit that is specialized in processing the applications
    • A copy of the applicant’s passport of their original nationality
    • A declaration from the applicant of any other nationalities that they currently have
    • A copy of each passport of each nationality in case the applicant has more than one other nationality (For example: an American applicant who also carries the French nationality has to submit a copy of their American and French passport to apply for the Egyptian nationality)
    • Official birth certificate 
    • 4 new personal pictures of the applicant
    • An official record from the Ministry of Interior to state their criminal record
    • An official document from the country of origin that proves that there the applicant is not convicted by any criminal penalty, any freedom-restricting penalty, and/or any crime of honor; and the certificate has to be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Original copy of the certificate that states all the movements of the applicant from the country of origin
    • Official certificate that states all the movements of the applicants from the country of residence (where they have lived in permanently and/or have at least spent 5 years in prior to the date of application)
    • The original official certificate of the medical checkup that is signed by the applicant during his time of residency
  • In case of investment and/or ownership of properties: the applicant has to submit a copy of the commercial registration and a copy of the taxation ID; in case the applicant owns a company, stocks in a company, a copy of any contract of property ownership in Egypt, and a copy of the driving license of any vehicles the applicant owns in Egypt
  • The original document that proves the fulfillment of the investment track chosen by the applicant and it is to be submitted during the time of residency

In Case the Applicant Is Married

  • A copy of the marriage certificate
  • A copy of their spouse’s passport of their country of origin
  • A copy of their spouse’s passport in case they have multiple nationalities (as explained above)
  • In case there are children: the applicant is required to submit their children’s birth certificates and national IDs if they are minors and copies of other passports if they have multiple nationalities

The Cost of Applying for the Egyptian Nationality

The applicant is required to pay $10,000 as an administrative fee to start their application process. However, the total cost of obtaining the Egyptian passport varies from one application to another depending on which track the applicant has chosen and its requirements.

Buying and Owning A Property in Egypt to Obtain the Nationality

As previously mentioned, you can obtain Egyptian nationality by buying and owning a property in Egypt that is worth $500,000 according to the specified requirements of investing and/or living in Egypt; which attracts more foreigners to invest in the Egyptian economy and brings more direct foreign investments.


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The post Your Guide to the Requirements to Obtain the Egyptian Nationality and Its Procedure appeared first on Aqarmap Blog.

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