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Sunday, February 2, 2020

What Makes New Mansoura City so Special?


New Mansoura is one of the most modern cities supervised by the New Urban Communities Authority, as the government is looking to build more cities away from the Nile valley, hoping to fix the overpopulation problem which led to sharp loss of arable land. 

Even though Egypt stretches over one million square kilometers, only about 3% of its total space is populated. This is what makes building new cities in the Egyptian desert so important, although this approach isn’t new, in fact, it has started 30 years ago. The modern cities of Egypt are divided into four generations. Seven new cities were built during the first generation, including the 10th of Ramadan City, El Sadat, and 6th of October. Through the second generation, 6 cities were built most notably Zayed and El Obour. During the third generation, 10 cities were built like El Shorouk, New Luxor, and New Cairo. New Mansoura is one of the 9 cities of the fourth generation, along with the New Administrative Capital and New Alamin. 

Egypt aims at attracting residents to these new cities, as an alternative to the overpopulated traditional residential districts such as Greater Cairo.

There are many successful examples of this new approach, such as New Cairo and El Shorouk, as they’ve both managed to attract many residents. This is expected as the modern cities are very appealing for being less crowded, fully serviced, and full of modern facilities. 

Explore New Mansoura 

The establishment of New Mansoura came as a part of Egypt’s visions for 2030. The city overlooks the Mediteranian over 15 kilometers and is brilliantly located amid three governments, Kafr El Sheikh, El Dakahlia, and Damietta. New Mansoura stretches over 5104 feddans, but a republican decision was issued to add 809 more feddans to its initial space, making it 5913 feddans in space, built over 4 phases.

The first phase includes 2063 feddans, where it features a large number of residential units, reaching up to 25 thousand units. 498 buildings belong to Dar Misr project, 196 buildings belong to Sakan Misr, 58 buildings belong to privileged social housing, as well as 30 buildings and 1180 residential towers.

The first phase of New Mansoura will also witness the public services and utilities. A great thing about New Mansoura is that it can house many different social classes, as it offers social housing, privileged social housing, Sakan Misr project, and the Villas project. 

Features and services of New Mansoura

One of the important features of New Mansoura is that it was built in a modern manner, no residential units will be put up for sale until all public services and utilities have been implemented in the city. This will put an end to an issue that was present in many other cities; residential units would be available but mostly with no residents as the city’s facilities not being ready. As modern compounds are, the residential units will be built among greenery and landscapes, promising fresh air for the city’s residents.

The city also features well-designed streets, where each street is at least 35 meters across and can reach up to 124 meters. This will greatly lessen the likelihood of potential hustle in rush hours. Like many modern cities, counters in residential buildings will electronically read through the main service center, which will provide different types of payment. New Mansoura will include a new governmental university under the supervision of the University of Mansoura, providing its residents with the convenience of not having to travel outside the city to attend any educational stage. Besides the new university, many schools will be established. The city will also include 3 medical centers, and an electrified train to connect it to neighboring cities. The New Urban Communities Authority is looking to invest in this new city, planning to build touristal villages and other industrial projects.

Prices in New Mansoura 

The city will include about 160 thousand residential units, and as mentioned before, they are suitable for all social classes, as it includes units from moderate social housing to touristic units and villas. Prices range from EGP 230,000 to EGP 1,000,000, according to its location and space. Prices differ in touristal units. Some conditions apply to those looking for social housing units; the salary of an unmarried individual must not exceed EGP 3500, and the salary of a married individual must not exceed EGP 4,750. The applicant must also be of Egyptian Nationality, their family must not own any residential units, and the family must not have applied for a housing loan before. They are 16 thousand units are specifically made for those of middle-income. As for the spaces of the units; the privileged social housing includes units of 90 square meters, Sakan Misr provides units of 115 square meters, and Dar Misr provides the biggest units of 150 square meters. 

In conclusion, it’s apparent that New Mansoura is a city built for many different social classes, and for families of varying incomes. It’s a city designed to be self-sufficient, where it includes a governmental university and different schools, medical centers, and a water distillation plant. It’s neatly affected by the style of modern cities, which is apparent through projects like the electrified train. All that, and it maintains a healthy living environment through placing residential cities amid greenery.  

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