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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tips for Clean and Healthy House 


Tips for a clean and healthy house

Do you have trouble ventilating in your house, especially in winter? Do your children always have sinus allergies and breathing problems despite your commitment to treatment and all prevention methods? Do you suffer from insects and spiders and you are tired of attempts to get rid of them? 

In this article, we will offer you tips for a clean and healthy house such as: good ventilation of your house, and effective ways to get rid of all kinds of insects, so you can be comfortable and clean in your house.

Our tips for ventilating your house properly

  1. Make sure to open windows and doors in the morning to change the room air, and to avoid moisture and airborne pollutants in the atmosphere, and the harm of both your skin and respiratory system as they make them allergic. 

    From time to time open the windows and don’t limit this step to the morning only.

  1. Dry your laundry in the balcony, most of us especially in winter let his clothes dry inside the house, causing the water to condense on the walls of your house. 

    You should let your clothes dry out under the canopy or tarpaulin. If you have no choice but to dry your clothes inside, you should open the windows of the house to get rid of moisture.

  1. You have to open the fans to get rid of the old air, among places that need ventilation: kitchen and bathroom to accumulate moisture from cooking or bathing. 

    You have to open the windows of both the bathroom and kitchen, and install a ventilation hood in each.

  1. Don’t overuse hair spray or strong-smelling deodorants, because they contain chemicals, which can damage your respiratory system and your children’s.

Simple ways to protect your house from insects

Prevention is better than cure; it saves  you a lot of time and effort. We’d like to draw your attention to some places that don’t get enough cleaning because they’re hard to reach or sometimes forgotten, such as:

  • Under the bed: Many ants, cockroaches and fleas gather, so be sure to clean under your bed constantly. Put some herbs to avoid unpleasant odors such as basil.
  • Windows home: Most people do not clean the dust stuck in the windows, and those who clean them do not keep this step constantly. This attracts mosquitoes and flies. Make sure to clean them and loosen the dirt and put bay leaves and cinnamon to alienate insects.
  • Holes: They may not be visible and you have never noticed them before, but it’s dangerous because it’s an entry point for both rodents and insects. So you have to search about the holes in your home and close it, as soon as possible.
  • Trash: Some people do not care and put their garbage in the trash directly. So when disposing of, we find some dirt stuck in the trash and accumulate over time and emit unpleasant odors.

So you have to put a plastic bag in the trash to keep it clean.

The most common insects in the home and ways to get rid of them


It appears suddenly, especially in summer. You can get rid of it using pesticides or put boric acid around the entrances.

 If you have children who want to keep them healthy from chemicals use natural solutions, such as a mixture of vinegar with water and spray it on ants, or mix peppers with corn flour or coffee and place them in the corners. All of which alienate ants and ensure you that they won’t return.


Flies appear when there are old food in your kitchen or left garbage in your home for a long time. If you want to get rid of flies, so you have to dispose of garbage and leftovers always and close windows during periods when flies attack your home.


Cockroaches have many entrances, including sewage sinks, water pipes or some holes in your home. If your kitchen is wooden, you will suffer a lot of them, the wood is a shelter for them.

In addition to their disgusting shape, they are harmful to health  due to their texture which causes skin allergies and chest crises.

Besides pesticides, you can dipping small cotton pieces into soaked mint and put them in the corners; as it smells like a dissonance for them and prevents them from coming back.


You can find it in the furniture. You can avoid it by washing bed sheets weekly, cleaning surfaces and removing dust. In addition, you can put baking soda on bed sheets and carpets for an hour to kill home dermatophagoides, and remove them with a vacuum cleaner.


They appear a lot in winter. If you want to get rid of them you have to keep your home clean constantly. You can also squeeze citrus peel such as oranges and lemons on the usual places where spiders appear and you’ll find spiders disappeared.

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from Aqarmap Blog https://ift.tt/2Q5MPyL

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