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Monday, January 6, 2020

Before Buying: Different Types of Units in Compounds


Once you’ve decided to buy your new house in a residential compound, you need to choose what’s most suitable for you and your family. And we at Aqarmap are going to help you choose the perfect place.

Before anything, you need to know what a compound is, and what types of units most compounds provide. How can I choose the perfect home? The answer is right here in this article. 

What is a residential compound?

A compound is an enclosed -often gated- series of residential units. It includes security and contains all sorts of entertainment and basic services any resident would need. Compounds greatly differ in designs, space and the types of units each one provides. 

Explore the latest compounds in Egypt here.

What are the types of units offered by residential compounds?

First: residential apartments

1- Flats

Found in a residential building, contains a definite number of rooms and bathrooms.

2- Penthouses 

An apartment found on the last floor of a residential building, and includes the roof. A penthouse often also includes a terrace and a swimming pool and may include one room and a bathroom. 

3- Duplexes

It resembles a flat, but consists of two floors instead of one, joined by inner stairs. 

Browse through different duplexes and penthouses here.

Second: villas

1- Townhouses

A townhouse is a set of villas connected to a garden. Its name implies that its a series of connected houses. 

2- Twin houses

A semi-connected villa, shared by 2 residents. It has its own gateway, and each resident gets their own entrance and 3 sided garden.

 3- Separate villas

 It is a separate residential unit, with its own private garden, a special gateway and a gate surrounding it. Separate villas usually consist of one to three floors where one family resides. 

What are the features of living in a compound?

1- Residential units

Residential units vary in each compound, which gives each family the chance to find its perfect home. 

2- Security

This is an amazing feature, where compounds are well guarded providing utmost security for all residents and their properties. 

3- Services

You will surely find most basic and entertainment services in a compound, like hospitals, schools, commercial shops, clubs, you basically won’t need to leave your compound. 

4- Landscapes and greenery

 Developers and investors prioritize greenery in their designs, where compounds are surrounded by landscapes and green areas. This creates a beautiful layout for the compound and provides peace and quiet for the residents. 

5- Privacy

 Life inside a compound is all about privacy, where each resident enjoys a quiet, peaceful life. 

How do I choose the perfect place for me?

You may be wondering about many things when you are planning on buying a new house, especially how you would choose the perfect compound and unit. Fortunately, Aqarmap is going to help you answer the most common questions about choosing the perfect place. 

Where should I live?

Probably the first question you may be wondering about, and to answer it you need to take many things into consideration, like where you work, and what places you frequently visit. For example, if your job and your frequently visited areas are in Giza, you can look for a place nearby, like Sheikh Zayed, Ahram Gardens or 6th of October. 

However, if you work in Cairo you should start searching in the cities of new Cairo, like First Settlement, Third Settlement or Fifth Settlement, El Shorouk, El Obour, or New Heliopolis. 

Check these links to search for a suitable compound:

Compounds in 6th of October Compounds in Fifth Settlement Compounds in Maadi Compounds in Sheikh Zayed

How can I choose a unit with the most suitable price?

Primarily, you need to set a budget according to your current financial status. For example, if you’re looking to live in New Cairo and you have an open budget, head to Fifth Settlement. However, if you have a limited budget, you can search in El Shorouk or Heliopolis. 

That’s also the case in the new cities of Giza, where for example living in Sheikh Zayed is pricier than living on 6th of October. That’s because the compounds there include many more services, facilities, and famous shops. 

How can I determine the suitable space for my unit?

After choosing where you want to live, and setting up a suitable budget, you’ll need to think about spaces. Deciding on what space you’ll need depends on many things, including the size of your family, and if this is a temporary home or a lifelong one. 

After answering these questions, deciding on a suitable space range is going to be much easier. 

Should my unit include a garden, or a swimming pool?

This really depends on the nature of each individual or family. If you’re a quiet person, you’d likely rather own a garden. If otherwise, you should consider a swimming pool.

Should I invest in my apartment or villa?

If you’re planning on investing in your new unit, you need to pick unique areas, directions and floors. All these factors definitely affect your future investment. 

Each unique feature of your unit will raise its price. For example, if the apartment is on a special floor or if the villa overlooks a garden or a swimming pool, this will greatly change its price. You will need to set your priorities according to your current budget.

Aqarmap…Know more

The post Before Buying: Different Types of Units in Compounds appeared first on Aqarmap Blog.

from Aqarmap Blog https://ift.tt/39Ggh6h

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