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Monday, January 13, 2020

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a compound?


Compound is a new term that recently appears in the real estate market and many of us need to know what such term is. 

If you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of living in a compound, here you have all that you want to know about living in a compound. 

What is the compound? 

It is a group of housing units in the form of villas or residential establishments of various units equipped with a security system and gates and surrounded by a private fence. The compound provides you with all the services you need; including shopping malls and clubs for walking and picnics. Each compound varies as per the social class to live in. 

Types of housing units in any compound 


It is a unit in a building containing one or more rooms as a place of residence and it has the main services such as the kitchen, the bathroom, the sleeping and living rooms. 


It is an apartment located on the highest floors of the building. It has an appendix on the roof of the building that usually contains a swimming pool and a terrace. It may also contain a sleeping room and bathroom. 


It is like the residential apartments; however, it is different from the residential apartments in that it consists of two consecutive floors and connected to each other with an internal stairway. 


It is a villa connected to a small garden. This term is used for indicating adjacent houses in a planned line or architectural development. 

Twin house

It is a semi-connected villa shared by two residents; each one of them has a private entrance and a garden on three sides. Each unit has only one neighbor and a private gate. 

Separated villa 

It is a separate unit having a private garden, a private gate and a fence surrounding it from all sides. Each unit has all the residential services; including a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and a reception. The buildings of the separated villa usually consist of two or three floors.

But what is better, to live in a private compound or outside?  

To know the answer appropriately, we must find out together the advantages and disadvantages of living in a compound  

Advantages of living in a compound  

Residential units 

The forms and areas of the residential units significantly vary in each compound so as the person can find what is suitable for him either the number of the rooms or any others.


Privacy is considered as the first aim of building compounds; as the compound is a closed community having higher privacy and surrounded by a fence and gates in order to be isolated from the outside world and protect its residents from noise, heavy traffics and day-to-day crowding.

Security and Safety 

This is the most important things for which the customer is looking to live in happiness, comfort and peace. And this is what certainly the compound provides you as each compound has private security which asserts being secured and saved in this residential district and having complete security and protection for you, your family and your properties.    


Quietness is a distinctive feature of living in any compound as the number of the units are mostly limited. And consequently, you will enjoy uncrowded streets with no noise or annoying sounds and you will find the open green areas as secured areas for picnics. 

Available Services

Providing all the possible services in the compound as each person will find what he needs without getting out of the compound such as clubs, malls, shops, hospitals, schools and others of what the persons need to be able to live somewhere. 

Unified architectural design 

One of the most important features of the residential compound is the unified engineering form for the buildings and villas. You will also find that the hights are unified and the roofs are organized in a form appropriate to the desired urban form of the compound. 

Entertaining places 

This feature varies in each compound, as per the social class to live in, the average of prices and the company responsible for planning and designing the compound itself. However, you will find at least a sport club and an open garden.   


You will find special areas appropriate to the number of cars expected to be in the compound and used by the customers and this is what saves your effort in looking for a secured place for your car daily.  

Means of transportation

The compound will mostly provide you with means of transportation to help you reach the nearest station of public transportation and this will help you stay in a direct connection with Cairo.    

Green areas 

In designing compounds, providing open green areas are kept into account which allows the air to be refreshed and to keep it pure. And this will help you also enjoying the beauty of nature and seeing beautiful views every day. 

Disadvantages of living in a compound 

Long distances

The compound is usually located away from the city centre in order to have the terms of quietness and privacy. However, this gets us in a crisis that is the long-distance from our relatives, governmental entities and major universities      

Lack of choices 

The lack of choices is one of the features of living in a compound as within the planned area of the district where you are living, you are required to deal with only the possible choices you have.

Prices for services

Prices are usually higher than the outside of the compound due to the cost of its availability inside the compound in a more professional way and with higher qualities, in addition to the increase of the residential meter price itself. 

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