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Sunday, January 26, 2020

Do you need Interior Designer in Decorating your unit?



Have you ever considered hiring an interior designer for designing and set decoration of your residence unit? Have you thought about resorting to him/her to get rid of thinking about all the details of the house?

Some people find it difficult to know how he/she should divide his/her home, and what are the best colors that harmonize with each other, along with the types of furniture, their quality, and their harmony with each other.

In this article, we will learn about the cases in which you should use an interior designer to design and finish your residence unit.

What are the situations in which you need to use a design engineer?

There are some cases where it becomes very clear that a person needs an expert help in everything from the beginning, or just general advice during the various stages of preparing and furnishing his house, such as:

  • After buying a house, an individual may feel unable to tell where to start.
  • Difficulty understanding the different decor and finish models, and which one is compatible with the other.
  • Inability to coordinate colors between them, and lack of understanding of the percentages of choosing colors among them.
  • Difficulty in making decisions between you and your partner regarding the different types of decor.
  • Distraction between the decor models that you have seen in different locations, and the many opinions regarding the type of decor.

What is the role of the interior designer?

It must be well understood that you both have a role, you must share ideas and understand the role of both of you.

As there are some people who leave everything to the interior designer; the division of the interior apartment, the types of furniture, colors, fabrics, tools used, etc.

There are those who like to be informed of every detail before implementation, and to choose textiles and colors themselves.

Therefore, it is necessary to agree on the role of each individual so that no dispute occurs later.

There are some details that you should pay attention to, such as:

Plan Hologram

Whenever anyone thinks about the interior designer, think about the illustration that shows the dimensions of each room and the expected final shape of the room, as well as the design of the decorations of each room in terms of colors, furniture, etc.

This drawing helps you visualize the final shape of each room, giving you ideas about what you want to do.

For example: What you want to add, replace or even cancel.

Use innovative ideas

Do you want more lighting in the rooms? Do you want more luminous and lively floors? Want to get Warehousing Unit?

One of the most important tasks of the interior designer is to collect most of your desires and ideas, and give you perfect solutions regarding all your comments and concerns.

Dealing with the contractor and workers

A good interior designer is the one who owns a list of skilled contractors and workers.

He/she can suggest many names as appropriate to the budget set, and determine which is appropriate for the work required.

The interior designer is often the one who follows up with all the details of the workers and makes sure that they reach the required results.

Take full responsibility for the project

Renewing your home requires a lot of cooperation, such as: The contractor or the workers cooperated with each other, as well as the cooperation between the owner and the interior designer, and coordination between them regarding appointments and priorities, and what must be completed first.

It is the responsibility of the interior designer to pay attention to all the details and problems expected during the finishing process and others.

More importantly, check the accuracy of the measurements, and ensure that the drawing actually matches.

Ensure that the project is running according to the set time

One of the most important tasks of the interior designer is to take into account every step he/she takes to finally reach the time-bound work plan.

Also, the interior designer can finally give you some advice regarding the final finishes to expedite the delivery process.

Ensure compliance with the specified budget

The interior decorator always receives different suggestions you make, but he should pay attention to the budget of every change or modification you want.

It also suggests several alternatives that save in budget and maintain rationalization.

He also takes good care of the drainage method. In addition, he keeps in mind the true value of each piece of furniture and various finishing materials.

Most important questions that you must answer before you choose the right decoration company

  • What responsibilities will each of you assume?
  • What is the role of both of you in terms of fabrics and colors, and who will make the choice?
  • Do you understand the interior designer’s plan for on-time delivery and maintaining the budget set?
  • What is the method of payment and agreement?
  • What suggestions and solutions did the interior decorator offer to other clients?

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The post Do you need Interior Designer in Decorating your unit? appeared first on Aqarmap Blog.

from Aqarmap Blog https://ift.tt/36rHk2n

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