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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Tips to prepare house for winter


In this article, we will be keen to offer you the most important tips for preparing your house for the winter. We will also review the most important factors in protecting your house from diseases and microbes.

With the advent of winter, everyone begins to search for rapid heating methods appropriate for the house because we spend most of the season indoors.

But the first thing to think about before heating is to prepare the house for the new season, in order to avoid any health problems that high humidity may bring.

The cleaning process is also very important to avoid diseases caused by dust, so, in this article, we will mention the most important tips that will help you prepare your house for the winter.

The most important steps for preparing a house for the winter

  1. Cleaning process

Before the beginning of each new season of the year, we try to protect our house and children from seasonal diseases.

That is why the most important step in preparing your house for the winter is the cleaning process; it is an effective step in preventing microbes and pathogenic and infectious viruses.

Here are steps to help you clean your house:

  • First of all, polish wooden furniture, antiques, windows and doors, and make sure to disinfect germs in the cleaning liquid or you can put vinegar as it is a good natural disinfectant. Also, be sure not to use any liquids that spoil the wood of the furniture.
  • Clean the fans thoroughly and coat them with their own coverings to protect them from dust, and keep them clean until summer.
  • Remove dust from areas directly below the ceilings of the rooms, because these places are vulnerable to spider nests and insects.
  • Clean the kitchen thoroughly starting with the cupboard, and be sure to put a strong cleaning liquid to avoid the effects of food fumes and oils.
  • The second step in the kitchen is to clean the ceramic with detergents and sterilize them well, because the kitchen is the most vulnerable place for germs.
  • Fully clean the ceramic and tiles of the apartment rooms, with carpet ventilation or cleaning.
  1. Switch clothes and upholstery

After the cleaning process, we move on to the next step to prepare your home for the winter in an organized and easy way, which is the process of changing clothes and furnishings.

Here are some tips to make this step easy for you:

  • First remove the winter clothing from the storage cupboard and clean it or air it well before putting it in the daily use cupboard. Then, arrange summer clothes and put them in the storage cupboard.
  • Take out the duvet and blankets, and fan them well before using them.
  • Take out winter furnishings for your furniture or beds, and clean or fan them well.

Means of making your house warmer in winter

Making your house warm throughout the winter is following cleaning and changing clothes step in preparing your home for the winter.

Here are the most important steps and tricks that make your house warmer in winter:

  • Initially, periodic maintenance is required on the doors and windows of the house to ensure that there are no fractures or obstructions in the closures that allow air to pass through.
  • Also, make sure that there are no small cracks in the walls, especially those facing the street.
  • Replacing light summer carpets with heavy carpets for the winter, which is available in all carpet stores, and has a magical effect in heating the rooms quickly, because it saves you from the moisture of floors.
  • Covering children’s beds with heating linens; they help to heat up quickly.
  • Cover all corners of the floor with small walkers, especially in children’s rooms.
  • The use of heaters is also a factor that many people resort to escape the winter cold. You can operate it for an hour in the room before sitting in it to warm it, and then turn it off when using the room to avoid health problems.
  • Prepare hot and useful meals and drinks to increase immunity and improve the feeling of warmth throughout the winter season.

How to protect your house from winter diseases and microbes?

There are bad habits that most people do in winter, some cause diseases, others appear outwardly for the purpose of heating, but this could be counterproductive.

Learn the most important factors in protecting your house from winter diseases:

  • Closing windows continuously to feel warm is the first mistake that we do in winter. Closing windows does not allow the sun and air to enter the house, which increases fumes on Walls and floors. It leads to an opposite result, which is the feeling of frost. It also usually causes many diseases and low immunity, especially for children, so windows must be opened at least throughout the day.
  • The lack of ventilation in the bathrooms also causes excess fumes in the house, so the electric extractor must be turned on, or the bathroom window opened, especially when taking a shower to flush out the fumes of water heaters and avoid choking, which is one of the most dangerous spread accidents in the winter.
  • The exposure to sunlight is one of the most important protective factors and ways to avoid winter diseases, because it raises «vitamin D» in the body, which works to expel excess moisture in the bones.

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